Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Last Post For This WEEK!

k..this may be the last post of this holiday week..i'm still didn't finish my folio and some other homework..gonna tell the reader bout my tennis experience...

I'm have an eager to play since age of 11 but didn't get the ca=hance because my school didn't have court..

only this year i start playing tennis......and it;s only been a month since that day....all for this day where i can serve freely...k gonna write about anything in future...and this is the blog's new blog for this month!

~Te'Adios Ramoil

Tennis Balls

Officially now ,i have lost 12/15 tennis balls..the first one was when i start playing tennis a month ago.. i try to serve from my house yard and accidently it went straight into the drain..the second was the cheap ball i bought RM 20 for 9 balls....normally 3 balls RM 20(cause it's high standard) ....yesterday was the day all the 9 balls fly to my house roof..and yesterday morning while waiting for mom to reverse the car i practice my serve at the field infront of my house ..again the high standard balls fly into a bigger drain..and today i practice in my room and lost another high standard balls...now i only had 3 balls left with me

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


ya tadi science no problem...Math paper 1 problem besar..Paper 2 problem sederhana...
Nothing interesting today ..all badlishan waiting for tomorrow!

Status:Come!Come!1.15 p.m tomorrow!!

P/s..that's my second tennis racket >_<


eooh lagi 2 hari exam!math paper 1 n 2 ,science paper 1,agama n kh...harap cepat abes n laa...dah lama x men tennis sakit pinggang lama x men...exam setakat ni smua boleh jawab...agak scare dgn math esok...

Status:aq akan cuba bermanja dgn Math!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Akibat tak Stretching

arini ialah hari ke-2 aq mula bermain dengan aktif pada waktu PJ...dan akibat tak strech badan pon jadi sakit..semalam 2-3-2011,men bola keranjang ..men ngan Lingesh yg guna stail monyet,kairash yg tinggi ,Aiman yg sweet,Yus yg score sampai 7 ang Syed score sampai 4..

Today,3.3.2011.Bersemangat bermain Tennis..ambik raket yg berat and serve keluar gelanggang nasib tak ke jalan,bola keranjang men juga tapi masih tak masuk2..

Then ada majlis persaraan Ustazah Noriah ngan Uncle Bakhari....Ustazah telah menitiskan air mata....semasa ucapan beliau...Waktu penutup Cikgu Sanusi menjadi Pembuka jalan untuk Ustazah...Then waktu nak balik bwat Aksi GAY degn Ilyas..then Miss Edna nampak kena angkat keyboard...then nasib kena tolong 2A5 taangkap gambar dengan ustazah...lepas tu budak band pon nak masuk gambar jugak...then sebellum tangkap gambar sempat men tennis kat Dewan Pentadbiran ....

Condition=sakit berkurangan..tapi masih sakit....